the site After two almost-full days of HTML, my site is up and running! I'm so happy with how it turned out. Click the screenshot to visit... please let me know what you think, or if you find any problems!

Now for some orange creme swirl ice cream....

toilet leaf roll

Here's something silly for you all tonight. This is something I made for an assigment called "shock of the familiar."  Hope it makes you smile.

Toliet leaf roll: leaves, carboard tube, foam

Today I started working on a website design I dreamed up last night. I made much more progress than I expected, so look forward to maybe seeing a full-fledged website at some point in the near future.


Sadie and I quite agree that summer is practically perfect. She loves it for catching tennis balls and swims in the lake and sitting outside for hours every night on the steps listening and looking. I love it for family and quiet and warm, sweet air and time that passes a million times more slowly than it does at school.

the final countdown

white charcoal on black paper, 18"x24"

Three weeks til summer break. I have projects coming out my ears! A two-week drawing final, a fun but time-consuming painting final series, a series of labels and reworking of all past designs for my design class, two more illustration concept projects, and then four final reviews. One more book to read, one more paper to write. Then, it's back home for the rest of may, june, july, and most of august! I'm planning to get my portfolio site finally up-and-running, working on personal art projects, and picking up as many freelance jobs as possible. 

I have had an amazing semester here at risd. Everything I thought I didn't learn in the fall has finally sunk in and has been added to significantly. Now, provided I don't get sick or die in the next three weeks, I'm looking forward to finishing strong.

yes, please

i need a few more of these "aha" moments today. it is hard work to (try to) be creative all the time, and i'm starting to feel like my reserve is running quite low, as far as creativity goes.

but this is what i'm here at risd for, to push until i cry and then push some more, and realize that i've messed up and find out why. and maybe, every so often, i will be blessed with one of those out-of-nowhere explosions that you can't even believe ever fit into your mind.

so for now i'll just keep scratching away.


18"x18" portrait, graphite with white and blue pastel

what a lazy weekend. i was hoping to get so much accomplished, to get ahead, but i was so absolutely drained that i just crashed. so, here is the fruit of my meager labor.

my life as a student

i was thinking the other day how interesting it would be to assemble a list of all the artists i've studied under throughout my life. i'm hoping to collect more images in the future to update this post. we'll see.kindergarten-junior high


junior high-high school

  • mary marley

rhode island school of design (risd) freshman year

  • brice hobbs
  • gerry immonen
  • deborah coolidge
  • todd moore:


  • alba corrado:


  • luis alonzo

risd sophomore year

  • lenny long
  • nicholas palermo

  • stella ebner:

  • david porter

  • fritz drury
