Road trip peek

map detail

I have the worst sense of direction. I've lived in this city for almost six years and still manage to get myself lost. Probably for this same reason I have always had a fascination with maps... so it was great to get an assignment for a map-inspired road trip illustration! This is just a peek of it; I wanted to wait to share the whole illustration until I could show it with the cover lines. It was so much fun to draw tiny cars, sandcastles, bunnies, and I road that even I could navigate.

shop update!

shop update

Hooray, finally getting my shop updated with new work! I've been itching to pretty up my print photos, and here's what I came up with. A recent acquisition of vintage spools of thread provided some inspiration and color, along with some of my sewing accessories. I think these new shots do a better job of emphasizing the fabric aspects of these illustrations, what do you think?

I've also added some of the fabric jewelry leftover from the risd alumni sale. Take a look and keep checking back for more updates!

new product images!
new product images!
new product images!
fabric key necklaces
fabric button rings

Forget me knot

Forget me knot
Forget me knot

When I sat down to design my new business card, I knew I wanted something that incorporated handmade elements and something textile-related. After a slightly agonizing brainstorming session (I wish I could say that this idea came effortlessly!) I thought of the string tying reminder and how appropriate that was for a business card. So this is what I came up with.  After hundreds of punches, stamps, signatures, and bows I was so pleased that they were well received at the sale. The only thing I regret is not incorporating an image of my work somehow... I'll have to start thinking up a new version!

On sale

I'm still recovering from several super busy weeks of preparation that culminated in the RISD Spring Alumni Sale this weekend! It was great to see people interacting with my work and so nice to say hello to everyone. Now I'm working on getting the remaining products ready to post in my store. For now, here are some photos of my table set up nice and pretty on Saturday. I used wooden drawers and boxes throughout my display. Because all of my work is influenced by and incorporates fabric, I wanted the display to have a very homey feel. Hope you like!

table display at RISD Spring Alumni Sale 2010
table display at RISD Spring Alumni Sale 2010
table display at RISD Spring Alumni Sale 2010
table display at RISD Spring Alumni Sale 2010
table display at RISD Spring Alumni Sale 2010
table display at RISD Spring Alumni Sale 2010
table display at RISD Spring Alumni Sale 2010

Stitching key pendants

Making pendants

I have so many in-progress projects right now, time is slipping away before the risd alumni sale next Saturday! My time is filled with stitching up lots of these key pendant necklaces, as well as trying to make progress on rings, prints, pillows, displays, packaging and freebies. My mind won't stop thinking up new ideas, which is great but frustrating when I'm trying to sleep. Wish me luck as I try to get everything finished in this next week and a half!

Making pendants

Wrapped up

Custom stationery project complete!

Happy to be putting this commissioned stationery in the mail today! The flooding here in Rhode Island has kept me house-bound for the past few days, so I've been tying up the loose ends of various projects.

The next big thing on my radar is the RISD Spring Alumni Sale on May 1, and I'm doing my best to get my preparation momentum going. While I participated in several student sales, this will be my first time in the alumni sale. As a student I always looked forward to checking out the alumni; on the other side of the table I'm a little bit nervous! But I'm having a lot of fun working on display ideas, and ironing out the wrinkles on a few new products.

Fabric-inspired stickers

sticker freebies

After I ran out of promotionalpostcards, I wanted to come up with something small but sweet to include with my orders as an extra little thank-you. I made stickers using some favorite fabrics from my collection of vintage and scavenged scraps. Now they're popping up everywhere - they work wonderfully to keep my supplies in order!
