Cloud Carrier

Cloud Carrier

I have been spending a lot of time lately searching through old photographs, digging through my family's collections and diving even deeper into vast online archives. While I'm not sure exactly what has prompted this recent binge, it reminds me of the hours I spent as a child engrossed in the stories of how life used to be. Now, I'm enjoying taking these snapshots and giving them a new life.

For this piece I started with a pencil drawing of the boy carrying a wheelbarrow. After experimenting with a few colors digitally, I mixed a perfect shade of mint and painted a background directly onto some linen. Over the weekend I stitched some fabric clouds over the paint, and when everything was finished I combined all the separate elements digitally. I am so glad to live in a time when technology allows me to combine my favorite mediums this way!

I hope you like my newest experiment; I'd love to hear what you think! And if you have a spot on your wall just waiting for this fellow, you can find him in my store.